Bow Summit is where the trail to Peyto Lake is:
Buses and handicapped can drive to the upper parking lot, we needed to climb about 100 feet in elevation at almost 7,000 foot. We hadn't been at high altitude long enough to be acclimated, so it was nice to stop a lot on the way up:
Western Anemone being pollinated:
About the western anemone:
We were lucky to be here early enough to see the western anemone in bloom.
Finally Peyto Lake, an amazing turquoise color and so calm this day:
In the foreground area where there is some snow Diane saw an animal that was the right size and color for a wolverine:
The trip back down was easier.
The trail did have snow on it and this woman was in flip-flops. Her husband was giving her trouble about wearing the wrong shoes, we could understand the entire exchange even though it wasn't in English:
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