September 27th we drove east on two lane roads into Maine. At one town there was a detour with a policeman directing us off the highway. We drove through town and couldn't find our way around and eventually found ourselves on the same highway back at the policeman. We stopped and asked directions and that got us through town the proper way. This was our first experience with a Northeast detour, they assume you know where you are and how to get out of it. We ended the day at Two Rivers Campground in Skowhegan after 142 miles:
Yes, those picnic tables were a hazard getting by with the motorhome. The campground owner was a young guy who wanted to know how we liked our motorhome. His oldest child was 4 years old and they were thinking of getting a motorhome and traveling in the winter until the kids needed to go to school.
The campground was on a nice setting where two rivers did meet:
September 28th we drove to Bar Harbor Campground in Bar Harbor after 91 miles. We checked in for four nights. Here is our campsite and the view off the passenger side:
While we were at this campground we had overnight neighbors twice from Washington state, one from Poulsbo and another from Silverdale. It is a very small world.
The day was still young so we decided to explore locally, even though it did rain off and on.
Restaurants were expensive in Bar Harbor, but we tried a couple and can't remember them well enough to recommend any. Lobster was very expensive but Bill did have a lobster roll to say he had eaten one. Our waitress at one place said this was the last week for the season, next weekend she was driving to Colorado and working winter in a ski town.
September 30 the weather was sunny so we explored Acadia National Park, which shares the island with Bar Harbor.
October 1 we drove north and explored the coast line. Most of these pictures come from the smaller pieces of Acadia National Park to the north:
We got as far as East Machias on US1 before we headed back. There are a lot of small towns along this stretch.
Our time in Bar Harbor came to an end on October 2nd and we drove to Freeport for a couple days. We had a problem though, the campground we had chosen had closed down since the owners retired. We drove down the road looking for it and couldn't find it so we called and were told they decided to close down after the listing was sent into the campground directory. We had to unhitch the car to turn the motorhome around and used the notebook computer and our GPS to find the other campground we called, Freeport Village Campground. It was nice place and we were happy to find it after 184 miles:
We had neighbors with fancy buses, small trailers and everything in between. Bill talked to the owner and in two weeks she was shutting down and heading to Sarasota, FL for the winter in her park model.
We went into Freeport to look around and suddenly it started raining hard. We quickly found a place to eat and it turned out to be quite good and a place with history. It was the Jameson Tavern and it was the location the paperwork was signed to separate Maine from Massachusetts so it could become a state.
The next day we were back to good weather and we shopped at the outlet stores in Freeport as well as at LL Bean's main store. We also drove the few miles to Yarmouth and visited DeLorme's store with their giant accurate globe, Eartha:
We picked up a copy of Street Atlas 2004 at a discount.
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