The Anhinga Trail was nothing like it is in winter so we moved on. Here is Rock Reef Pass on our way to Flamingo:
Flamingo is mostly open though the lodge and restaurant are not.
We could walk Eco Pond, which we were unable to do in January 2006 but did visit in December 2003.
We did see some Ibis here:
Some black stilts:
And a tri-colored heron:
In Flamingo proper there is an osprey nest on the boat lift, just like in December 2003:
A night heron:
Flamingo was looking much better than January 2006. Brown pelicans in the distance:
Bill saw this hawk trying to catch a lizard. We think it was an immature sharp-shinned hawk since it was small, but it could be an immature red-shouldered hawk:
Video of the hawk to the right and then behind the tree (640x480 WMV format, 849Kb)
Video of the hawk behind the tree just before it flew off (640x480 WMV format, 1.03Mb)
Another view of Florida Bay and the pelicans:
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