We again went into Rocky Mountain National Park this day. The weather was wonderful, sunny and short sleeves were mostly comfortable.
This day we planned to go clockwise via US36 to US34 and take many of the side roads that were open.
The mountains really stand out.
There are elk out there.
A telephoto shot shows them.
We could here the bull bugling. Unfortunately only the wind sound came through in our videos.
First video of Elks (4.48MB WMV)
Second video of Elks - following the bull (1.99MB WMV)
We moved on to the Cub Lake trail where we took these two classic mountain photos.
A telephoto of the mountain snow.
Hoof prints in the dried mud.
Then we came on more elk and this one was a little closer to us.
Another mountain snow telephoto shot.
The snow is still around the Bear Lake Ranger Station restrooms.
9475 ft in elevation.
We decided not the risk the trails since we did not have the proper footgear for snow and ice.