We left Rawlins in the sunshine and headed east on I-80. Off and on there was snow on the side of the road, especially at higher elevation. We also saw some pronghorn a couple times. We pulled off for lunch at the rest area at 8,600 feet just east of Laramie and there was slush on the asphalt. Then we fueled up in Cheyenne and headed south into Colorado. We did not see any more snow anywhere close by. After 212 miles we were camped in Riverview RV Park and Campground in Loveland, CO, with friends Gordon and Juanita next door. It was our first new campground since April. Bill was happy he could set up without a coat on, it was in the 60s.
The last time we saw Gordon and Juanita was May 1st in Salem, OR.
After visiting with Gordon, Juanita and their beagle, Abbey, we settled in. There were lots of squirrels for Evita and Abbey to watch.
A couple more campsite photos the next morning in the sunshine.
Gordon and Juanita spent the morning up in Estes Park and Rocky Mountains National Park but since Juanita got altitude sickness they came back by lunch and probably won't go again. We drove into town and found where everything was in the morning. In the afternoon Bill took the car for a wash and picked up a few things at Sam's Club.
A Northern Flicker we saw while accompanying Gordon and Abbey on a walk.
On the 11th when Diane took Evita out for her walk the two terriers from the close by cabin ran after Evita, who went up a tree to get away. Diane was right there and gave Evita all the leash she needed. The owners said they would make sure the dogs were on a leash the rest of the stay. Still a bit more excitement than we needed. If there was only one dog Evita might have held her ground. Bill knows that those dogs would not have fared well with his family's old cat, Lucky, who knew how to handle dogs and was fast and strong.
Then Larry and Karen Miller of Miller's Amazing Table came by since they knew we were in the area.
Now we are ready for a day trip to Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park.
Photos from our October 11th day trip to Rocky Mountain National Park
October 13th we again headed up to see the national park. The weather was very clear. We started late enough we had an early lunch at The Egg and I restaurant in Estes Park and then headed into the park.
Photos and videos from our October 13th day trip into Rocky Mountain National Park, Part 1, Part 2
October 14th we went and walked around the Benson Sculpture Garden in Loveland, which is a free park.
Photos from the Benson Sculpture Garden
Then we drove south and looked around Longmont and Boulder just to see them. While out we had lunch at a Johnny Carinos. We saw a couple prairie dog towns by the highway, which we did not expect.
Our last day Gordon, Juanita and Abbey went to the Sculpture Garden and Gordon documented it here - http://www.mytripjournal.com/travel-635889. Gordon did a better job on the photos.
Diane and Juanita drove into town after lunch to get stuff at Hobby Lobby and worked on plastic canvas the rest of the afternoon. The four of us went to dinner at Henry's Pub. This statue was just up the street from Henry's Pub:
We were all very happy with our meals. It was a good find. Then we came back and visited until it was time for bed. We had a really good time with Gordon and Juanita, glad our schedules could match so well.
Now we are off to visit Kansas, at state we have not been to since 2004 with our previous motorhome.
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