While leaving TT Orlando we had to wait for this Sandhill Crane family to move aside before leaving. These photos are with the phone camera so not the best.
About the time we merged with I-75 we hit bad traffic because of thunderstorms. The thunderstorms mostly were done by the time we got on I-10, but they had slowed us down. We still drove 276 miles to Beaver Lake Campground in Quincy, Florida. where we got a pull-thru campsite.
The next day, April 1st, we drove 85 miles and into Central Time to Pine Glen Motorcoach and RV Park in Panama City Beach, Florida for two nights. We had last stayed here in November.
We met up with JoAnn and Fillmore at their place. Here is Fillmore.
Fillmore was not well due to old age with digestive issues and ended up dying about a week later. He was friendly but slept a lot while we were there.
We and JoAnn had a nice dinner at Jazmine Thai and caught up since our visit in November. She was doing much better.
On the 2nd we did go to the beach for a bit.
Later on we met up with JoAnn again and had a nice dinner at Dee's Hangout.
Here is JoAnn with Diane before she headed home.
It was really nice to see her again. Now we are headed to see our friends Norm and Linda in Summerdale, Alabama.
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