April 2nd we left Hesperia and drove to the Coalinga, CA Elks lodge for the night. We had traveled 247 miles. Here is our campsite and our neighbor:
Our view was the back of the Elks lodge.
North of town is the "Iron Zoo", where they made oil derricks look like animals. We took some photos just before the sun went down:
April 3rd we drove 131 miles to the Morgan Hill Thousand Trails and ended up with the same campsite as in April 2006. This time the campground and campsite were dry instead of full of puddles from the rain:
We did see more wild turkeys, but did not get many photos. Here is a wild turkey running away:
April 5th we visited Monterey Part 1, Part 2 (Aquarium), Part 3 (Aquarium)
April 7th we needed to go dump our waste tanks so we moved the satellite dish:
April 8th day trip up Highway 1 to Santa Cruz and further north
We did drive up to the SF Bay Area one day. The traffic and smog make us glad we do not live there.
We did get to eat at Harvest Time in Gilroy twice, always a wonderful experience. We also had good meals at the chains Mimi's Cafe, Black Bear Diner, and Johnny Carinos.