September 24 to 28, 2012 - Eugene, Oregon

September 24 we said goodbye to Howard and Linda and moved 13 miles to Carrier and Sons in Eugene.  We were last here in June.

"Barney" is for sale and sold while we were here.  Barney was a side project to make a service van that wasn't a priority so they sold it.

Anne and Henry came down and the four of us had dinner at Wild Duck Cafe in Eugene.  They were leaving the next morning.

We were at Carrier and Sons to get our leveling jacks serviced.  We thought it was a switch, but it turned out to be an entire circuit board and they didn't think we would get it until October 2nd.  We settled in for the long haul.

September 25th walk by Valley River Center.

A Great Blue Heron in the river.

The paths are being worked on so some are closed.


After our walk we met up with Deb and Greg of AM Solar, and Howard and Linda for dinner and conversation at Chief's Wild Wings in Coburg.  The food was good but the company was great.  We all got along well.

September 26th walk close to the stadium.

Venus is behind the fence.

But the Sun is not.

A Great Blue Heron with geese.

September 27the we headed for the Oregon Coast just after lunch. 

Photos from our September 27th trip to the Oregon Coast

After getting back in town from the Oregon Coast it was too late to fix dinner so we tried Bai Khao Thai in Springfield and it was very good.

The next day we had lunch at Greek Paradise in Eugene and were running errands when Teresa of Carrier and Sons called and said the part that was supposed to arrive next Tuesday, was here.  Within an hour it was installed and we were done.  We quickly made arrangements to move to Port Orford on the coast the next day.

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