July 6 to 9, 2012 - Ocean City/Shores, WA

We headed north from Ilwaco and after 93 miles we were at the rental house in Ocean City, WA for Diane's parents 50th Anniversary party.  We were the 3rd to arrive after Diane's brother Leo, and sister Misty.  It took us a while to get the motorhome parked and we were soon joined by Kimberly's family and Diane's parents with their motorhome.  Here is the parking situation.

A better view of our campsite. It was a tight fit due to the house, fence and bushes.

Each motorhome had its own 20AMP plug so we were well set.

It had been many years since we were in this area.  Our last stay was in July 2005, when we stayed a couple miles further north.

Coming here we drove through Aberdeen, where Bill's sister lived for many years.  Even though she has been gone for four years, Bill again felt her loss when we arrived in Aberdeen.

On to better things.  This was the first time all four siblings were together in about 15 years so everyone was excited.

The house was on the ocean, but you had to go through all those trees to get to the beach and there was no trail.  (The glare is off the patio door).

Walking half a mile down the road intersects a road to the beach so the beach can be walked to.

The house is not bad inside and has plenty of room for us all.

The sunsets are not bad, either.


The morning of the 8th we took family portraits and this is the big one with everyone, including Andrew and Lily who were Photoshopped in since they could not attend.

All the Family Portraits

Later in the morning we walked up to the chainsaw carvings store and looked around.

Turns out there will be an auction, so many in the family plan on going.

We have a tsunami siren close by so we will definitely hear it if it goes off.

At the chainsaw carving auction, Leo, Misty and Kimberly all bid and bought items, 15 in total.

No one, including others at the auction, could figure out how to transport this piece so no one bid on it.  It was really a nice piece, but too big.

Khloe sleeping on her father.

Emily sleeping on the floor.

All the meals were cooked in the house and no one starved.

Leo and family had to leave Sunday afternoon to be at work on Monday.  The rest of us were leaving Tuesday.

Sunday afternoon some of us went into Ocean Shores to browse.

The famous Shark Store.

Monday morning Rosalie became disoriented and Kimberly, being an M.D., decided she was having a stroke.  Gregg and Kimberly transported her to the local Urgent Care, who called an ambulance and the three of them went to the big hospital in Aberdeen.  Rosalie had a blockage in one of her arteries to the brain, so she definitely had a stroke.  The rest of us stayed at the house and were kept informed of what was happening.  Not the best way to end the weekend, but what can you do?

The house needs to be vacated Tuesday morning and Diane has a doctor's appointment Wednesday, so we will have to head to Poulsbo as planned.  But Kimberly can stay and help direct care for Rosalie.

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